Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pi a Tour Guide?

I've been thinking about this for some time now - to go through a 5-month course for a tour guide license after I'm done with driving. This will cost me $2,500.00, license valid for 3 years, renewable on the basis that I complete 21 hours of training every 3 years.

The only reason why I want this license is my love for exploration and travel and how well I interact with groups. Pi's everyone's darling, remember? :p

The license is not going to serve me much purpose since I don't intend to venture full-time into the travel industry. Just want to use it to do freelance tour-guiding when I feel like it.

What do you folks think - shall I part with the money?

1 comment:

Enchanted One said...

U oredi know the answer ;)