Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm Going Jakarta

What could be more exciting than visiting a place I used to visit nearly on an annual basis until recent years, when my last stopover was in 2002? *droops head*

It's been nearly 5 years and I can almost smell the polluted air of Jakarta in my imagination now. Obliged by duty and a genuine sincerity to pop by and say hi to my beloved uncle, aunty and cousies, I had to give in to my ma's powerful 'coercion'.

Hope the flood has subsided. And I'm crossing my fingers that its aftermath won't spell D.I.S.E.A.S.E.S. I'm coming back to start new job one leh.

Special invitation to PALS (read PALS only - if you're unsure of your friendship status with me, please consult me.): Drop me a msg if you want me to get you anything from DFS. I'm flying off T1. We'll settle payment when I'm back ;)

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