Monday, October 30, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
FAQs + Answers to Pi's Quest to be a Lecturer
I've been answering these questions from everyone who has just heard of me winding up Runway. So given my tiny celebrity status, I think it's time to put up this FAQ with OFFICIAL answers from the horse's mouth. Whatever you've heard from my secondary circle are prolly just half-truths.
1. Why did you decide to dissolve Runway?
Excuse me ah, firstly please note that the question has been carefully phrased to use the word "dissolve". The company didn't "toh-teon" mind you.
I decide this is the way to go because I'm not interested anymore. No, kidding - how can I sound so willful and frivolous?! Honestly, I lost sight from where I first started. Much as I realised my strengths along the way, it has also been a humbling experience of realising that achieving ideals can be challenging.
2. Why did you decide to become a lecturer? Is it just a temporary getaway?
Because I like young boys. Nah....I'M KIDDING TOO. I've always wanted teaching / training as a career in the later part of my life. It's not a sudden thought. It's my natural progression. Afterall, I've got innate nurturing traits mah..even so-and-so thought I remind him of his mum. Ultimately, it's to fulfill my very vain aspiration to make an impact in some people's lives.
3. Why are you going to teach at XP?
Because other polys dun want me, as yet lar! Else why you think I'll be crazy enough to travel so far (which is gawd knows how many thousand metres away from my house) and have XYZ near me? The good thing is at least I get to teach and this makes my decision stated in (1) worthwhile.
4. Who is XYZ and why does the prospect of working near her irks you?
She's a witch. She used to suck up to me cos I'm Miss Popular and she wasn't. See lar, how the wheel of fortunes turned its table on me. but XYZ dun take offence if you read this ok?! I'm learning to appreciate you lar...give me time please... :p
5. So will you go back to business in the future?
Of course!!! The entrepreneur in me never dies! But I wun dabble with agency business again, unless it's an agency that creates for itself at its own pace and whims and fancies. I dream of owning my own cosy cafe one day. Partners, anyone?
So, this woman is going to be a lecturer:
Give her your blessings.
p.s: I'm sorry, my faithful readers (chey! as if there are a lot!), if my 2 blogs have caused confusion as to which is about what. To answer the question as posted by Bren today, I attempt to once and for all set the guidelines for the content positioning of these 2 blogs:
1) Will continue to fulfill its vision as a travel blog.
2) Will also post contents on the bimbotic leisure activities, great haunts and good food we get to enjoy in our small town.
3) The above entry will be my last post on my life away from RUNWAY here. Thereafter I'll be posting contents on activities (see point 2) when I'm literally not travelling via the airport runway, which is most of the time anyway.
That Gibberish Blog
For humble writings on "oh-so-exciting" happenings around me, please continue to support my newly revamped gibberish blog.
But come back here often. I'll keep u entertained on my travel adventures in and out of Singapore.
journeyed here at
5:00 pm
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Category Away from Runway
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Away from Runway
Now you can worship at my blog!!!
Presenting the creation of aspiring inventor, quack doctor and horse-master Mr Chee *gulp* *drum roll*......
My pa brought home a wooden piece, started decorating it with $$$ signs and proclaimed it the 大发财神 (The Great Fortune God) tablet! No wonder he was looking for multi-colours markers over the last few days! He told me he's not quite done with it yet - wanna accessorise further with images of gold bars and jewellery *HAHAHAHAHHA*
If you're wondering why the Chinese words look so scrawny that's becos my dad can't write Chinese for nuts' sake. This latest project of his sent me laffing till i get stitches. Oh man! Tell me if my family's as dysfunctional as the Hoovers' in Miss Little Sunshine?!
Other than hilarious happenings at home, the 19 days away from Runway had been all about:
1) finishing the incomplete projects
2) lunches with various folks at raffles place
3) debt collecting at Kreta Ayer
4) watching vcds
5) listening to music by 强辩 (I so love the tunes of 雨下个不停,甜蜜的愿望,1234,彩虹的另一端), 克群 and 静茹
6) got concert tix to Eason!!!
7) hoping very hard someone could sponsor me ABC stout crowns / ringpulls to the gig featuring our favouritest Mayday, stylo Chen Sheng and lame-beh Pin Guan
8) reading the Dangerous Book for Boys
9) cooking up a storm with my toasties and meatballs. YUMMILICIOUS I TELL YA! I'm a genius cook!
10) negotiating with my future employer
11) wanting to climb Mount Faber everyday but dammit! the haze forbids!
12) paying old colleagues an "incidental" visit then claiming free lunch and basking in praises of how i look younger and prettier...hehehe
13) renewing ties with frens who had been a part of my life, then not so much of my life, then part of my life again!
14) celebrating my birthday many times over...this year's celebration started earliest and is going to end latest. I can't believe this.
15) unpacking, unpacking and unpacking. I'm down to 2 cartons now from the initial 13! And there's a basketful of miscellaneous which i really dunno where to hide.
16) catching a few good movies - the departed (ok, typical hollywood all men's show), little red flower (sounds like a soft porn but not) and the very funny, simple, nice Little Miss Sunshine
17) tearing up newspapers with buddy at the NUS libby and saw her cutie not-too-bad-looking classmate who alas, is married and is not really cute by XY's standard cos he has centre-parting
18) reworking this blog and the other old and dowdy one
19) learning my driving and forgetting all the parking steps AGAIN and irritated the hell outta my instructor.
Kreta Ayer still looks the same after 2 weeks. How different can it be anyway?
p/s: my pa's gonna place the tablet at Telok Blangah Hill. He welcomes all worshippers and wish everyone the best of luck. May the GREAT GOD OF FORTUNE report at your home.
journeyed here at
5:57 pm
1 vox pop(s)
Category Away from Runway
Monday, October 09, 2006
I so love Taiwan :D
10 things I like about Taiwan:
1. The "cutified" Mandarin - it's hair-raising just hearing the gals speak!
2. The tall cute guys - I suspect the rice they eat is good for growth.
3. The freedom of speech - Taiwanese speak as they like, act as they wish, fight as they please.
4. The countless night markets - You sure won't be bored at nite.
5. Mayday - the country that gives us Mandopop and the unbeatable, rockifying 五月天.
6. The variety shows - Gogo Jacky Wu!
7. The "Big5" Chinese - traditional Chinese characters that would soon be unrecognisable by younger generations.
8. The friendly service - pseudo or not, I still like the warm greetings and ready smiles.
9. The Taiwanese snacks - good food is everywhere!
10. The winter that doesn't snow - walking in air-conditioned outdoor is such a breeze.
And here are some lovely shots I rediscovered from my albums:
In autumn, the leaves of the trees in Taroko Gorge were gone with the wind.
Dawn breaks at the horizon of Pacific Ocean in Hualien.
Jiufen has a way of greeting you with its old charm.
Signboards and neon lights shine bright in Taipei Ximending.
Rock with the crowd at outdoor gig.
Eat till you burst at steamboat buffet [吃到饱(爆)] of all sorts.
journeyed here at
4:58 pm
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Category Travelog
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Runway Parting Shots: The Journey Ends Here
I present the final moments as we say tata to the Attic.
The Final Episode
The door leading to the 4 storeys of staircase
Runway neighbourhood - left wing. See the backview of Mr Postman in the distant? He's my fave friendly postman who'll flash his best smile and chit chat whenever he sees me. See, I'm the unanimous people's choice of Miss Popular...hahaha
Runway neighbourhood - right wing. Kreta Ayer is a blessed area. We've got church, mosque, Chinese temple and Hindu temple just round the corners!
My appointed Moving Director of the day climbing up the mean staircase
And me journeying the way it's bullshit that climbing stairs can help lose weight. It didn't show on me lor.
Saying goodbye is never easy, especially if it's parting with something that has become part of your life. My "Moving Director" was once a member of the Attic.
I left a love note for the next tenant! But most likely the landlord will take it out before they get to see it. Jeff, leave it on will ya?
See lar, I'm so considerate, even left notices like that for likely situations that might inconvenience the next tenant.
Me and Geok posed victorious as we gave our final touch to the packing. We're ready to move!
Tata again! I've said it so many times and it's now for real.
The two rooms reinstated to when I saw them for the first time. (except for the carpet and empty cartons which I've so charitably left behind)
No more flights from 1st Oct. Email and business license will still be live for keepsake.
I'm starting my 28th year afresh, with new career in anticipation and new shoes to fill.
Good luck all, on your lives' many journeys.
journeyed here at
12:22 am
vox pop(s)
Category Away from Runway