Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Pipi poses 3 cheers to:

1) Me for flunking my driving test! Sorry my fellow very outstanding DWPers, it was my mistake. I deserve it. I mocked at the short-tongued man. I denied the uncle of his chance at me. I sang the christmas carols with too much SHHsss. No roadtrips for now, but I'll get there, soon.

2) Me for having a 2nd go at my driving test in March 2007! I promise I'll be a good gal, a more astute driver and less short-circuit when I'm in the test circuit.

3) You, for a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year! May dreams take flight and I promise all my pals that next will be great year for us. Whatever good things the horoscope says will come true. Pls tear out all those pages that mention the bad stuff. We'll be fine.

Have a great journey in 2007 :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm So Not Going Anywhere

I apologise for the lack of updates on this blog. In the midst of pulling through some life's battles now, so please summon all the luck you can and lend me some force! :)

Hopefully things will be for the better very very soon. Want to have a new year with some bright outlook. And thanx everyone, for being with me.