Strictly speaking, this entry won't quite fall into any travel-related category. But it's about one of my life's most significant journeys. Take it away with Runway :)

The FINALE Party: Sat, 23 Sep 2006, 11am to 3pm

Episode 4, also the final chapter, will see Runway vacating the attic on 30 Sep :( More on this later. Now, the fun moments first!

Pi boasting about her S$6 Number 5 tee (sorry, tee's not available for sale in Singapore..wahaha) while Bren and LYu looked on.

The FIVEsters posed. If you still dunno our thing for 5, you haven't heard enuff about Mayday from us.

Oh my gawd! All my frens are so pretty! What do they say about birds of the same kind flock together? :p

Me shouting lelong for all my barangs in "koyok" selling style. Dammit, I know I got flair for sales but my aspiration says otherwise.

Gotcha! Jo and Minty caught in their act of secret operation for my surprise birday celebration.

Presenting the lovely cake to me!

Thanx for the "moving on" prezzies. I'll be getting birday prezzies hor?

Angel and Shazz stole a shot with my cake.

Soon, there'll be at least 3 candles on my cake :S

Sparkling wine for the occasion, courtesy of Minty!

Pink! to kick in some kink...heh

Yum seng time.

And Daffy said, "here's to more bb for everyone!" I was shocked! My ma will kill me if a baby arrived before my wedding!

After some clarifications, I realised she said VB - variable bonus lar...chey... Now we can continue happily with our yum seng :D
The ATTIC in Memory

Office layout when we first started - messy wires all around and less space for moving around.

The stairway leading to the attic. I'll miss going up that 4 storeys of stairs, really.

The best thing about being your own boss? I can wear flip-flops and look lok kok ;)

The BIG Orange let's take a look inside >>>

Not that big huh? :p

Now let's check out the BIG Cookie Studio...>>>

Has anyone ever noticed the postcards and decor near the brown door upon entering?

Our tiny office. It may look a little messy but I make it a point to housekeep at least once a month ok!

The Runway House Rules are a reflection of my work culture. I love noise, laughter and an environment that puts people at home the very instant you set foot.

The one and only Runway window view! When we were looking for an office, having a window was one of the criteria. We got our way except the view's not quite what we initially expected.