Sunday, August 13, 2006
Shanghai / Jiangnan Imperial Gourmet Tour
Much as I don't fancy guided tour, this 8-day
Shanghai/Jiangnan package proves too economical to resist. At $708 per person (inclusive of air tix + taxes, accommodation and meals - imperial style, no less!), it's all that I could afford this holiday.
I'll be setting off on 31 Aug, and returning on 7 Sep. The journey covers Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuzhen, Nanjing, Wuxi and Shanghai. There'll be 2 free-&-easy days in Shanghai and I'm gonna meet Liyan there - thanx to LYu...YAY!
If scenic Jiangnan and cosmopolitan Shanghai sounds beckoning to you, then book your trip with SA Tours (cool service) @ t 6532 4111 / #04-62 People's Park Complex. OCBC Titanium card holders are entitled to additional savings.
Viva Holidays :D
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Aces Go Places
Aspiring jet-setter whose dream job is a travel-writer on sponsored trips to anywhere in the world and meeting obscenely rich romance prospects in SIA Raffles Class.
Meet Pi. And read about her globe-trotting experiences, on budget and perhaps, in style.
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